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Here are five good reasons to run for a charity:

  1. Make A Difference : Anything you raise will go directly to the charities and will help to make all their good work possible, changing lives in the process.
  2. Extra Motivation : If you ever find yourself ‘hitting the wall’ during training or the race itself, running for a good cause provides the ultimate incentive to keep on going.
  3. Increase Awareness : Wear with pride your charity t-shirt to increase awareness
  1. Self-Satisfaction : You’ll be surrounded by fellow charity runners, all of whom would have completed the race for the same purpose, so the sense of teamwork and accomplishment will be in the air.
  2. Guaranteed Entry :The event sell out notoriously fast. If you run the event for charity, however, you’re guaranteed your place which means you avoid the entry rush, safe in the knowledge that you’re already in!

You can now choose your charity thanks to our official charity partner:

Run for Charity work with thousands of charities all over the UK. If you have a particular cause you'd like to run for, there is a good chance they are here, and they would love your support!