The committed Semi

In the wake of the Marathon and guided by the GESI charter* for major international sports events – made up of 15 environmentally responsible commitments inspired by the UN sustainable development goals, adapted to sporting events - The Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris will be intensifying its CSR approach, with its partners and stakeholders, who we wish to be ever more committed alongside us.

Together, we promote the values of inclusive sport, its benefits on our health, its power to unify people around human causes and the sustainable movement that is flowing through the world of sport and around us more generally.

*GESI Charter: The Charter was launched on 12 January 2017 by the French Ministry of Sports and WWF. It sets ambitious goals with well-defined targets to make environmental responsibility a condition for organising major sports events in France. 15 environmentally responsible commitments signed by 70 stakeholders of the world of sports.


The 2020 edition puts the focus on three major areas of action articulated around ten environmental, social and community projects:

  • 1- Running for health and wellbeing
  • 2- Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris, an inclusive race that cares
  • 3- Running and sorting to give waste a second life

The positive impact of sport on our morale, mental balance and physical health is well known.  Our drive to promote running and make people aware of the importance of prevention to stay healthy, which was already at the heart of our concerns, has become a fundamental commitment. Our new partner and the Semi de Paris offer a wide variety of advice and guidance for athletes, including:

  • "Running and staying healthy every day",
  • "Physical activity is good for your health",
  • "Sport and nutrition"

Runners can access these themes on this website. There is something for athletes of all levels. You can find them HERE! Tips on preparing, training… and much more!

Health & running articles are also available on our partner's website running for health — training, hydration, nutrition…

Come to the Village and, especially, the Harmonie Mutuelle stand to talk to experts in:

  • Mental and physical preparation
    • Take part in stretching, yoga, relaxation and breathing sessions and more!
  • Nutrition and hydration
  • Recovery, etc.

Our race would lose meaning if it faltered in its commitment to disabled athletes. This is why we approached the French Disabled Sports Federation to launch:

  • A race for disabled athletes

Ambulatory disabled athletes (e.g. blind or deaf individuals, amputees) have already been part of the field according to their levels and objectives.

Now, we want to make running even more accessible !

Harmonie Mutuelle also supports people in need and research:

  • Team Kabubu

    This organisation, whose name means "Friendship through sport", promotes inclusion and the integration of refugees through sport thanks to sports activities and training/professionalisation programmes.

    The 2021 Harmonie Mutuelle Semi-Marathon de Paris had over 25 refugee athletes competing under the aegis of the organisation, giving them the opportunity to push their limits and share the experience with other people. The experience will be repeated in 2023.


  • Charity numbers

    Because running for a cause or supporting an athlete in a joelette makes it much more worthwhile,

    Because research into rare diseases needs funding,

    Because these organisations depend to a large extent on our generosity,

    an increasing number of runners are rising to the challenge and running to raise funds for the health of others.

    We are all in it together. Let's run for charity.

    How about you? What will you be running for?

Finally, two types of items are collected and handed over to charities at the end of the race:

  • Food left over at the refreshment stations is given to the Restos du Cœur every year. In 2023, more than one tonne of food was collected to support collective action for people in need.
  • Clothes can be dropped off for donation in the starting area. Clothing items are then collected, sorted, weighed and given to charities along with unclaimed runner t-shirts.
    9,5 cubic metres of clothes were collected, sorted and donated in 2023. Thank you!

Like any other race, the Harmonie Mutuelle Semi de Paris has a duty to set the right example.

We have been sorting waste for many years to give it a second life. We collect waste on the course, the village and raise awareness both on social media encouraging runners to sort their waste


  • The various sorting bins are displayed at a stand Vittel set up in the village in La Villette.
  • The number of collection points throughout the course has been doubled to ensure better coverage, with over 200 domestic waste, multi-material, bio-waste bins and bottles. The collection area is effective over 700 linear metres.


  • More resources and people will be deployed to pick up rubbish after the race, particularly in forests and sensitive areas. Several waste sorting stakeholders, which have been involved since 2010, are joining forces with our loyal volunteers and the Paris clean-up and transportation services to leave the course as immaculate as possible after the race and make sure your participation leaves a positive footprint.

    We have been developing these measures for three years.

    Vittel bottles are made from 100% recycled materials (1) and are always recyclable (2), so they are a resource when properly collected and recycled.

  • (1) Without cap and label
  • (2) Without label



You can become a key link in the chain by throwing your bottle into the right bin.

Come and play Sorting Basketball in the show and find out how good you are at throwing bottles into the right bin! There will also be a talking wall where you can write your greatest dream for the planet as an athlete